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ArcGIS Portal Summit

  • November 19, 2020
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Zoom

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Join us for the ArcGIS Enterprise User Summit, brought to you by ORURISA

Topics include:

  • Enterprise Portal Architecture
  • Collaboration
  • Governance
  • Security
  • Data Management Strategies

The ArcGIS Enterprise Portal has become an important staple/backbone for government GIS & IT organizations to share, manage, secure and analyze their data. Enterprise gives you complete control over your deployment, but navigating the full implementation for Enterprise & Portal can be daunting and technical at times. This Portal Summit is a peer to peer learning opportunity for government and other entities’ GIS & IT staff to share their experiences and best practices with implementing Portal. While the Portal Summit is not affiliated with Esri, there will be Esri staff on hand to help answer questions and develop a possible follow up workshop with ORURISA to address challenging topics that we unearth during the Portal Summit. We will have panelists from Oregon local and state government who are proficient in the implementation of Enterprise and Portal. The Portal Summit is FREE and open to everyone, but the discussions will be targeted toward government staff.


1. Welcome & Introductions

2. Panelist Presentations 

Casey McMillin, City of Lebanon  (Presentation PDF)
Dave Jacobus, City of Albany  (Presentation PDF)
Kristin Judy, City of Hillsboro  (Presentation PDF)
Randy Sounhein, Oregon Department of State Lands  (Presentation PDF)

3. Moderated Discussion and Audience Q&A    (Questions & Answers List)

Event Recording 


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