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Northwest GIS User Conference

  • September 30, 2012
  • October 04, 2012
  • Portland

 Northwest GIS User Conference
September 30 - October 4, 2012 - Portland, Oregon


The NW GIS Users Group is active planning the next conference. Here's the news& we're joining forces with URISA and their GIS-Pro 2012 50th Anniversary Conference in Portland, OR, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2012. Classes are on Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 and the conference follows.

This should be an outstanding conference for a number of reasons and not just the fact that we've joined forces. Paramount is the fact that this will be a crossing of cultures: Management & Technology. Traditionally, URISA is more of a management focus and NWUG is more of a technical group. The combination will offer you a lot of outstanding choices!

We have three representatives from the NWUG on the planning committee and we're working for you. For instance, our typical registration fees and business partner fees have been somewhat less than theirs. We're negotiating these prices to help you get the biggest bang for your buck!

We'll have more information for you as we approach the conference date, but for now, mark these dates on your calendar!

Also, please be thinking about paper presentations or short 1-2 hour workshops. The Call For Papers should be sent out the first part of the year AND there is an EARLY DEADLINE! (February!) Be thinking now about your presentations.




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